
The pressures and responsibilities of financial reporting faced by private companies in Canada have reached unprecedented levels as a result of the introduction of new reporting frameworks and the complexity of the applicable standards within. Given the complexity of financial reporting requirements and the importance placed on credible financial reporting, owner-managers and business executives look to the Chartered Professional Accountants at Fruitman Kates to provide high quality assurance services.

Fruitman Kates provides high quality assurance services primarily to privately held companies across a broad spectrum of industries. Our client oriented assurance services consist of audits and reviews of financial statements and are uniquely tailored to be suitable to companies of all sizes. We design our assurance services to result in high quality financial reporting for use by management, investors, financiers and other stakeholders. Our adherence to a risk-based approach allows for the early identification and effective communication of business and operational concerns to management for proactive resolution.

Our commitment to quality service is pervasive. We believe that quality service begins with a commitment to the continuity of experienced engagement staff and extends to our commitment that managers and partners are actively involved in the planning and execution of assurance engagements as well as the presentation of the financial statements and communication of key financial information.

We can help make sense of your financial information.